B2B Sales Enablement in 2024: Balancing AI and Human Connection

We interviewed leading b2b sales enablement experts to get their take on the future of the industry.

October 1, 2024

Balance Pong: AI vs. Human Interaction

Welcome to Balance Pong! In this game, you control both the AI and Human Interaction paddles. Keeping the ball in play symbolizes balancing AI tools and human touch in sales—both are essential for success.


  • AI Paddle (Left): Move Up - R key, Move Down - F key
  • Human Paddle (Right): Move Up - U key, Move Down - J key

B2B sales enablement is going through a transformation, with AI playing an increasingly important role in how teams operate.

From automating repetitive tasks to providing data-driven insights, it’s clear that AI has a lot to offer.

However, after speaking with several industry experts, a common thread emerged: AI can’t do it all.

There’s still a critical need for the human element—knowing when and how to engage with customers is just as important as ever.

Let me share some insights I gathered from conversations with key leaders in the field.

The Rise of AI in Sales Enablement

One of the most exciting shifts I’ve seen is how AI is transforming sales processes.

You don't have to look very far to see how many companies are claiming their AI is a "game-changer" for the industry and will "revolutionize" the entire space.

Those promises are pretty crazy, but they're not completely unfounded.

Jenn Haskell highlighted how AI is making her team more efficient by streamlining repetitive tasks: “By leveraging artificial intelligence, I can directly enhance the efficacy of our sales strategies and processes. In addition to influencing better business results, it will also help my sellers be more effective, which in turn provides a better overall customer experience”.

What's exciting is that AI is not just another time-saving tool. It's actually a system that can help you improve your relationships.

AI-driven platforms are helping sales teams master their messaging and providing real-time feedback.

Monica Lloyd shared an example from her team: “Gong is using AI so beautifully right now. It analyzes calls and gives us insights, like why a customer bought a certain feature, helping sales teams refine their approach”. With these kinds of tools, it’s easier to understand what’s working and why, giving teams the edge they need to close more deals.

But it’s not just about the technology doing the heavy lifting.

AI is helping with personalization too.

Brandon Flowers talked about how AI is being used to create more meaningful customer interactions: “They’re using a lot of my sales-created content to have better conversations with customers, to create a better customer experience, and vice versa”. That back-and-forth between AI-driven data and human intuition is where the real power lies.

Knowing AI’s Limits

As great as AI is, it has its limits.

In my discussions, nearly everyone stressed that relying too much on AI can be dangerous.

Natosha McIntyre was candid about this: “There’s only so much that you can do with technologies or scripting, but you can’t teach a salesperson how to be genuine or show empathy”. AI can automate emails and analyze data, but when it comes down to connecting with people on an emotional level, humans still have the upper hand.

Monica Lloyd also touched on this, explaining how there’s a real risk in becoming over-reliant on AI: “I think there's an over-reliance and a tendency to lean into that and just take it at face value”.

We need to remember that while AI can provide insights, it’s up to us to verify and validate those findings.

No one wants to go into a meeting armed with the wrong data or assumptions just because a machine said it was right.

Jenn Haskell summed it up perfectly: “What makes me nervous is the potential for some to think that AI ‘does it all.’ There will continue to be a need for human connection”.

In other words, AI can help us work smarter, but it can’t replace the human touch that is still so essential in sales.

I hate to use this phrase, because it's used everywhere, but it doesn't have some truth to it. AI isn't going to take your job, but someone who knows how to use AI will.

I think you'll start to see sales teams where a few reps start to pull ahead of the pack and the main contributing factor will be how effectively and how creatively they are using AI.

The Future of Sales Enablement: A Human-AI Partnership

So, what does the future hold? I kept hearing the same thing over and over: AI is going to augment what we do, not replace us.

Natosha McIntyre put it clearly: “I just don’t see a world where AI replaces the need for salespeople. It takes a true salesperson to understand the depth of a product and close a sale. People buy from people they like and trust”.

As sales enablement evolves, the key will be in finding that balance between leveraging AI to handle the heavy lifting and letting humans handle the nuanced work of building relationships.

Ian Meadow made a great point about how AI is pushing sales teams to be smarter in their approach: “If a seller doesn’t know how to slow down and think about the questions they’re asking, or the frameworks they’re using, they will miss out on crucial customer insights”.

The sales rep and sales enablement team is still in charge - they will just have an insane toolbox at their disposal. How well someone can use those tools will determine their success.

Another interesting point - sales enablement's scope is expanding beyond just the sales team.

Brandon Flowers noted that sales enablement is evolving into broader roles like revenue enablement and go-to-market enablement: “Job postings will shortly be for revenue enablement and go-to-market enablement, rather than sales enablement”.

As sales becomes more integrated with other departments like marketing and customer success, it’s clear that enablement will play a central role across the entire customer journey.

Beyond Sales: Sales Enablement’s Expanding Role

It’s not just sales teams that are benefiting from these advances.

Monica Lloyd shared how sales enablement is already supporting customer success and retention at her company: “We’re already living in that space where sales enablement is responsible for reducing churn and increasing renewals. It’s more than just new revenue—it’s about maintaining long-term relationships”.

This shift means sales enablement isn’t just about hitting quotas anymore.

It’s about delivering value throughout the entire lifecycle of the customer relationship—from acquisition to retention, and everything in between.

The lines between sales, marketing, and customer success are blurring, and enablement teams are right at the center of this transformation.

I'm guessing from these interviews that rev ops and sales enablement teams are going to start combinig into one. I can see a world where both have to learn each other's skill sets and basically support the entire GTM effort.

With that, more marketers will start to join these kinds of teams as well.

The Key to Success is Balance

There’s no doubt that the future of B2B sales enablement is exciting.

AI is going to continue to enhance what we do, but it’s not going to replace us. As Christine Brakefield wisely said, “Movement happens when you’re making that human connection”.

Organizations that succeed will be those that find the right balance between AI and human interaction.

AI can make us faster and more efficient, but at the end of the day, it’s thess personal connections that drive lasting relationships and, ultimately, results.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from these conversations, it’s that the future of sales enablement is about working smarter, not harder—and that’s something we can all get excited about.

Meet the B2B sales enablement experts:

Each of these experts were kind enough to take an interview with me and share their insights. Please connect with them on LinkedIn to get to know them better! 

Jenn Haskell

With over a decade of experience in sales leadership, Jenn Haskell excels at implementing sales enablement strategies and cross-functional collaborations. She is a skilled communicator and passionate public speaker, with a focus on sales psychology. Jenn is dedicated to building innovative training programs that drive team performance and empower sales teams to achieve their goals.

Christine Brakefield

Christine Brakefield has extensive experience in public administration and city planning, where she focuses on empowering global partners with innovative solutions. Her background includes fostering community development through meticulous attention to detail, strategic planning, and enabling organizations to improve service delivery and efficiency.

Ian Meadow

Ian Meadow brings a wealth of expertise in structuring and managing complex technology agreements, with a proven track record of driving revenue growth. Known for his results-oriented approach, Ian excels in creating innovative sales enablement strategies and leading large teams in high-performance environments across various industries.

Natosha McIntyre

Natosha McIntyre is a seasoned expert in sales coaching, customer success, and enablement with over 20 years of experience in SaaS sales. Her entrepreneurial spirit and strategic mindset enable her to implement programs that drive team performance and deliver outstanding results, making her a go-to leader for sales transformation.

Brandon Flowers

Brandon Flowers is a former sales professional turned go-to-market advisor, specializing in equipping sales teams with the tools and training necessary to excel in competitive environments. His experience spans multiple industries, where he has consistently driven performance through innovative sales enablement and strategic initiatives.

Monica Lloyd

Monica Lloyd is a problem-solver and sales enablement expert with over 20 years of experience in human resources and business operations. She is known for her ability to inspire and motivate sales teams through innovative training programs and strategic initiatives that drive results, making her a key player in any organization’s success.

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